Comparison of individual tree aboveground biomass estimation in community forests using allometric equation and expansion factor in Magetan, East Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Setiahadi R. 2021. Comparison of individual tree aboveground biomass estimation in community forests using allometric equation and expansion factor in Magetan, East Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 3899-3909. The use of allometric equation and biomass expansion factor can facilitate more efficient tree biomass estimation. This study evaluates the accuracy of the allometric equation and expansion factor for quantifying the individual tree aboveground biomass in community forest tree species. Destructive sampling n on 120 trees from four different species: Falcataria moluccana, Melia azedarach, Swietenia macrophylla, and Tectona grandis. For each tree sample, aboveground biomass measured at every tree component, i.e., stem, branches, and leaves. The allometric equation developed using regression analysis with several predictor variables, such as diameter at breast height (D), squared diameter at breast height combined with tree height (D2H), and D and H separately. On another side, the biomass expansion factor was calculated based on the total aboveground biomass and stem biomass ratio. The results found the highest mean aboveground biomass for all species are M. azedarach (326.36±88.40 kg tree-1), S. macrophylla (244.47±98.73 kg tree-1), T. grandis (173.31±80.97 kg tree-1), and F. moluccana (56.56±23.10 kg tree-1). The most significant average biomass expansion factor observed in M. azedarach (1.78±0.03), adhered by T. grandis (1.66±0.09), S. macrophylla (1.61±0.04), and F. moluccana (1.59±0.06). The equation ln? = lna + b x ln (D) was best for estimating aboveground biomass in each tree component and a total of four species with an accuracy of more than 90%.


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