Home gardens in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa: A promising approach to enhance household food security and well-being




Abstract. Ngcaba P, Maroyi A. 2021. Home gardens in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa: A promising approach to enhance household food security and well-being. Biodiversitas 22: 4045-4053. The current study is aimed at documenting the diversity and composition of food plants cultivated and maintained in home gardens; and also assessing their role at enhancing household food security and well-being in the Eastern Cape province, South Africa. This study was undertaken in six villages in the province, between June 2014 and March 2016. Information on socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the respondents, home garden practices, food plants grown and maintained in home gardens were collected by means of questionnaires and guided field walks with 129 respondents. A total of 32 edible plants belonging to 27 genera and 18 families were recorded. The main uses of plants grown and managed in home gardens were edible fruits or seeds (56.3%), leaves cooked as leafy vegetables (28.1%), edible bulbs, roots and tubers (21.9%), beverage, cereal, and culinary herb or spice (3.1% each). The most preferred species were Zea mays (64.3%), followed by Brassica oleracea (59.7%), Solanum tuberosum (58.9%), Spinacia oleracea (52.7%), Allium cepa (51.9%), Cucurbita moschata (44.2%), Capsicum annuum (38.0%), Cucurbita maxima (31.8%) and Daucas carota (31.0%). This study showed that home gardens can provide alternative sources of diverse and nutritious food to households, making home gardens an important agricultural resource for increasing food security in the province.


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