Comparisons of the composition of spider assemblages in three vegetation habitats in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Lia M, Rauf A, Hindayana D. 2021. Comparisons of the composition of spider assemblages in three vegetation habitats in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 244-255. Vegetation structures are known to influence the microclimate and consequently the invertebrate assemblages. This study, therefore, aims to compare the species composition of assemblages of ground- and foliage-dwelling spiders in three vegetation habitats: undisturbed urban forest, oil palm plantation, and cornfield, in Bogor, West Java. To ensure a thorough representation of all spider guilds, spiders were collected using pitfall traps, sweep net, and through a direct search on ground and vegetation from January to July 2016. A total of 2299 individual spiders, representing 28 families and 207 species/morphospecies were collected. The spider species richness, abundance, and diversity were higher in the forest and oil palm plantation, compared to the cornfield. Furthermore, the dominant guild in the forest habitat was orb weavers, while the oil palm and corn habitats were dominated by ground runners. The non-metric multidimensional scaling exhibited that the composition of spider assemblages varied among the three vegetation habitats, with spider assemblages in forest habitat associated with higher RH, while the corn habitat was correlated with high light intensity and air temperature. The indicator species analysis revealed that Tetragnathidae has high potential as indicators of the dense, complex vegetation structure of the forest, while Lycosidae is indicators of the more open vegetation of oil palm plantation and cornfield habitats.


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