Ethnobotanical knowledge of Marind-Anim Tribe in utilizing sago (Metroxylon sagu) in Merauke, Papua, Indonesia
Abstract. Kadir A, Suharno, Reawaruw Y, Komari, Mahuze A. 2021. Ethnobotanical knowledge of Marind-Anim Tribe in utilizing sago (Metroxylon sagu) in Merauke, Papua, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 264-272. Sago (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) is one of the biological resources utilized by several communities, mainly in New Guinea and Moluccas region. In Papua (Indonesia New Guinea), sago is a source of food and is also used for the living needs of local people for generations. This study aims to explore the ethnobotanical knowledge regarding the utilization of sago by the Marind–Anim tribe in Merauke, Papua, Indonesia based on local wisdom. Data were collected using survey method and the analysis was done using qualitative approach. The research was conducted in 7 villages representing 6 sub-districts (Merauke, Sota, Tanah Merah, Kurik, Animha, Marind) in Merauke District. The results show that sago is an important resource for the Marind-Anim community to fulfill a wide range of needs from foods, building materials, and cultural activities. Each sub-tribe has a different perspective in grouping sago based on local knowledge. The difference is based on an understanding of the size of the tree trunk, the absence of thorns on the leaves, the height of the plant, the shape and size of the leaves, and the color of the stems/leaves. Based on local knowledge, there are at least five clusters of sago in the Merauke area across the villages surveyed. In Merauke, sago is processed into a traditional food called Sep, which is different from the people in the northern region of Papua, who process it into Papeda. In addition to Sago Sep, the community also knows other types of sago processing, namely Sago Ebayak, Sago Kwetahuk, and Sago Sinoli. The community has conducted conservation efforts based on local knowledge in Sar, Quality Sar, and selective cutting. The goal of such efforts is to maintain the sustainability of sago in meeting the needs for foods.
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