Population dynamics of Anadara antiquata of East Coast of Aceh, Indonesia
Abstract. Azmi F, Mawardi AL, Sinaga S, Nurdin MS, Febri SP, Haser TF. 2021. Population dynamics of Anadara antiquata of East Coast of Aceh, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 436-442. Small-scale fishery effects are often overlooked by fishery and environmental managers. This study aimed to assess the impact of traditional cockle fishery on its population in the northeastern coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The study took place from January 2018 to December 2018. Samples were obtained from Ujung Perling in Aceh Timur Regency, which is the only fishing ground exploited at present. Parameters estimated in this study include growth, mortalities, and exploitation levels. Analysis revealed that the average length was 50.03 mm, with the maximum shell length captured is 78 mm. Von Bertalanffy K-coefficient is 2.3 with a lifespan that can reach 3 years. Natural mortality is 2.27 year-1, while fishing mortality is 6.74 year-1. The exploitation rate in this study is 0.75. Growth parameters indicate that Ujung Perling is a suitable habitat for the cockle to grow, but mortalities and exploitation parameters suggest overexploitation is taking place in the area. To keep the population at a safe level, exploitation needs to be lessened to 33% from the current level.
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