Genetic parameters for resin production of Pinus merkusii progeny test collected from three landraces in Banyumas Barat Forest District, Indonesia
Abstract. Nugrahanto G, Na’iem M, Indrioko S, Faridah F, Widiyatno, Abdillah E. 2022. Genetic parameters for resin production of Pinus merkusii progeny test collected from three landraces in Banyumas Barat Forest District, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 2010-2016. Pinus merkusii Jungh. et de Vriese is a native pine species in Indonesia that is used in the production of essential and economically valued products, such as wood and resin. The resin productivity can be increased significantly via breeding programs. The objective of this study is to analyze the genetic parameters of resin productivity based on the progeny performance in three landrace seeds sources, namely, Sumedang seedling seed orchards (SSOs), Jember SSO, and East Java seed source. The drilling method was used for tapping trees, and then resin production was measured individually. Additional data on height, diameter, and branch-free height were also collected. Based on family variance component analysis data of resin production, it was noted that Sumedang SSO, Jember SSO, and East Java seed sources have relatively high genetic variations of 4.48%, 15.77%, and 3.80%, respectively. These values were then followed by a moderate family heritability value for all of them (0.451-0.551). A high value of individual heritability estimates was obtained for Jember SSO (0.658), and moderate values were found for Sumedang SSO (0.182) and East Java seed sources (0.158), respectively. The estimated genetic gains were calculated for resin production using selection intensity levels at 10%, 25%, and 50%. The result indicated that the Jember SSO landrace obtained the highest genetic gains at 17.55%, 12.73%, and 7.99%, for the above-mentioned intensity levels, respectively. In contrast, the lowest one was found in the Sumedang SSO landrace.
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