Isolation and identification of lipolytic bacteria from the digestive tract of eel (Anguilla bicolor bicolor)




Abstract. Hapsari RT, Susilowati A, Pangastuti A. 2020. Isolation and identification of lipolytic bacteria from the digestive tract of eel (Anguilla bicolor bicolor). Bonorowo Wetlands 10: 44-50. Anguilla bicolor bicolor is commonly found in the waters of western Indonesia. Currently, the demand for eel is increasing, causing an increase in the economic value of eel and being used as an export commodity. This study aims to isolate and identify lipolytic bacteria found in the digestive tract of eel (A. bicolor bicolor). Lipolytic bacteria isolated from the digestive tract of eel (A. bicolor bicolor). Bacterial isolation uses minimal media enriched with olive oil. When lipolytic bacteria were screened using Rhodamine B agar media, the presence of an orange glow in the colony upon exposure to 350 nm UV light indicated lipolytic activity. Identification of lipolytic bacteria was based on observing the morphological characters of bacterial colonies (edges, elevation, colonies, and colors) and the gene sequences encoding 16S rRNA. DNA sequence characteristics of lipolytic bacteria were analyzed by BLAST Nucleotide on the NCBI website ( Based on the screening results, 7 isolates of lipolytic bacteria were obtained from 30 successfully isolated isolates. The DNA sequence characteristics of the bacterial isolates were analyzed by BLASTN and found 5 species, namely Pseudomonas azotoformans, Providencia vermicola, Providencia sp., Aeromonas veronii, and Aeromonas hydrophila.


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