Benthic infaunal spatial biodiversity, coexistence, and availability for shorebird communities in the Jakarta Coastal Wetlands, Indonesia




Abstract. Wibowo AA, Basukriadi A, Nurdin E, Nasution NS. 2022. Benthic infaunal spatial biodiversity, coexistence, and availability for shorebird communities in the Jakarta Coastal Wetlands, Indonesia. Intl J Bonorowo Wetlands 12: 23-32. Wetlands on the Jakarta Coast, Indonesia, is one of the important habitats for shorebirds. In the wetland ecosystem, benthic infauna is an important food source for the shorebird community. This study aims to assess the benthic infaunal spatial biodiversity and its availability for the shorebird community in the wetlands covering an ecotourism area and the west and east parts of a protected mangrove forest. The bird diversity was assessed using visual encounter surveys and 10 x 10 m plots for mangroves. The K-means clustering method measured the benthic infaunal coexistence and availability for shorebirds. Based on the result, benthic infauna was available as a food resource for shorebirds in the following order: Oligochaeta > Polychaeta > Gastropod > Crustacea, with the density of oligochaetes reaching 376.66 inds/100 m2. The Shannon-Wiener biodiversity index (H’) ranges for benthic infauna were 1.306-1.573. Gastropods were available to Ciconiidae and Anhingidae; oligochaetes and polychaetes were available to Anatidae, Scolopacidae, and Phalacrocoracidae. In contrast, crustaceans were not available to any shorebird species. As confirmed in this study, shorebird species were associated with the presence of benthic infaunal communities and it recommends conserving the wetlands to ensure the availability of benthic infauna.


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