Analysis of drinking water quality based on biological, physical and chemical parameters in Lekobalo Village, Gorontalo City, Indonesia




Abstract. Katili L, Baderan DWK, Kumaji SS. 2023. Analysis of drinking water quality based on biological, physical and chemical parameters in Lekobalo Village, Gorontalo City, Indonesia. Intl J Bonorowo Wetlands 13: 22-29. Lekobalo Village is a part of the Gorontalo City, Indonesia area, which has not yet received full clean water coverage. Therefore, the community in Lekobalo used the wellsprings as the source of drinking water. An open water tank around the wellspring has been the source of drinking water for people in the surrounding. It becomes a place for household chores such as bathing, doing laundry, and serving as a lavatory. That makes the place look messy due to the household waste around the wellspring, which decreases the drinking water quality there. Hence, a test of the drinking water in Lekobalo is crucially needed. This study is descriptive-qualitative research that was conducted by a direct survey. Sample collection was conducted using sterilized bottles from the laboratory, and the data obtained were analyzed descriptively. This study aims to determine drinking water quality based on biological, physical, and chemical parameters. The research revealed that the quality of drinking water in Lekobali based on the biological parameter was considered polluted by Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria. The findings revealed that the average score of E. coli was 10.3 MPN/100 ml and coliform 200.5 MPN/100 mL. In physical parameters, the drinking water quality is relatively good with an average temperature of 20°C, turbidity NTU, scentless, tasteless, and colorless. The drinking water criterion that did not meet the physical parameters is the TDS (Total Dissolved Solid), which is 1,525 mg/L. According to the chemical parameter, the quality of the drinking water is considered relatively good with some average score of arsenic (As) 0 mg/L, fluoride (F) 1 mg/L, nitrite (NO2) 0.02 mg/L, nitrate (NO3) 3.6 mg/L, iron (Fe) 0.12 mg/L, Power of Hydrogen (pH) 6.6 mg/L and manganese (Mn) 0 mg/L. The chemical parameters that did not meet the standard qualification of drinking water based on the chemical parameters are chromium (Cr), and cadmium (Cd), as the average scores are 0.34 mg/L and 0.047 mg/L. This study can be used as one of the government's databases as an input in developing programs and activities to improve drinking water quality and control water pollution.


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