Composition and feeding guilds bird community in tropical peatland of Orang Kayo Hitam Forest Park buffer area, Jambi, Indonesia




Abstract. Pangestu PG, Iswandaru D, Wulandari C, Novriyanti, Prasetia H. 2023. Composition and feeding guilds bird community in tropical peatland of Orang Kayo Hitam Forest Park buffer area, Jambi, Indonesia. Intl J Bonorowo Wetlands 13: 57-65. Tropical peat ecosystems are vulnerable to fire damage and conversion, including in the Orang Kayo Hitam (OKH) Forest Park buffer villages, Jambi Province, Indonesia. The peat ecosystem is a habitat for various birds. In the ecosystem, birds act as seed dispersers, pest controllers, and pollinators, so their presence can be used as bioindicators of environmental quality. This study aims to analyze the composition and feed guilds of the bird community. The line transect method is used to explore the path in bird watching. The data were then analyzed using descriptively and qualitatively. In total, 29 species from 18 families comprised five species of waterbirds and 25 species of land birds. The families with the highest number of species were Alcedinidae, with a percentage of 13.79% each (4 species). At the same time, the lowest were Apodidae, Bucerotidae, Hirundinidae, Laniidae, Meropidae, Psittacidae, Rallidae, Cisticolidae, Turnicidae, Ploceidae, and Passeridae, with only one species (3.45%) identified per family. Based on the feed guild, there were nine types of guilds, with the highest rate being granivore (24,14%), while the lowest was insectivore on the forest floor (3.45%). The presence of bird species based on the feed guild indicates that shrubs or weeds dominate the land cover of the buffer village around the OKH Forest Park.


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