Short Communication: Diversity of small mammals (non-volant) in tropical peatland ecosystem of Orang Kayo Hitam Forest Park, Jambi, Indonesia
Abstract. Dara W, Iswandaru D, Wulandari C, Novriyanti, Prasetia H. 2023. Short Communication: Diversity of small mammals (non-volant) in tropical peatland ecosystem of Orang Kayo Hitam Forest Park, Jambi, Indonesia. Intl J Bonorowo Wetlands 13: 30-35. Peatlands areas dominate Orang Kayo Hitam Forest Park (OKH Forest Park), Jambi, Indonesia. The largest forest fire in the OKH Forest Park area occurred in 2015, damaging more than 70% of the area. The event subsequently affected the existing biodiversity, especially the diversity of small mammals. Small mammals have an important role in the ecosystem as agents in regeneration and restoration, including in the OKH Forest Park. The method used is the cage trap method which is placed by systematic sampling. Traps were placed in two types of habitats, namely shrubs, and forests. The bait variation consisted of coconut, sweet potato, banana, and oil palm fruit. All baits were treated by burning to give off an aroma. The resulting data were analyzed quantitatively using the Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index. Types of small mammals found in shrubs and forest habitats are Malaysian field rats (Rattus tiomanicus (Miller, 1900)) and plantain squirrels (Callosciurus notatus (Boddaert, 1785)) The diversity index shows a low category with a value of (H' = 0.17884). That indicates the condition of the habitat in the post-burnt peat ecosystem is still relatively depressed.