Dragonfly (Odonata) diversity in Kedung Klurak Waterfall Area, Mojokerto District, East Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Zahro’ DM, Rani TE, Agustin EP, Permatasari ASD, Susanto MAD. 2024. Dragonfly (Odonata) diversity in Kedung Klurak Waterfall Area, Mojokerto District, East Java, Indonesia. Intl J Bonorowo Wetlands 14: 1-8. Kedung Klurak is a tourist spot in Mojokerto District, East Java, Indonesia with a waterfall dominated by pine trees. Furthermore, using Kedung Klurak as a tourist spot increases human activity. This can affect the natural habitat of dragonflies; therefore, this study was conducted to identify the diversity of dragonfly species in the Kedung Klurak Waterfall Area. The sampling method used sweep net and path determination method using transects. The observation location was divided into three stations: waterfall, open area, and pine forest. The results of the study obtained 15 species from seven families. The Diversity Index in Kedung Klurak Waterfall Area is H': 1.605 in the medium diversity category. The highest diversity index is at the waterfall station with H': 1.678, followed by the open area station with H': 1.446, and the lowest diversity index at the pine forest station with H': 1.095. Several factors can affect species diversity differences at the three stations because each station has different environmental conditions, including temperature, light intensity, humidity, and vegetation. Based on the study's results, it can be concluded that the Waterfall station has a habitat following the natural habitat of dragonflies. Some species tolerate the environment and human disturbances, namely Vestalis luctuosa and Euphaea variegata. Therefore, using Kedung Klurak Waterfall as a tourist attraction can cause a loss of dragonfly diversity due to loss of vegetation, environmental pollution, and human disturbance. These factors cause dragonflies to move away from their habitat, as in the open area station where only five species of dragonflies were found.


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