Distribution and abundance of aquatic plants of Oyan Lake, Ogun State, Nigeria




Abstract. Dienye  HE, Olopade OA, 2017. Distribution and abundance of aquatic plants of Oyan Lake, Ogun State, Nigeria. Bonorowo Wetlands 7: 11-15. The distribution and abundance of aquatic plants from Oyan Lake were assessed bi-monthly between October 2012 and January 2013. In total, 20 species of aquatic plants were recorded, representing 13 families. Cyperaceae and Poaceae families had the highest species with four species each. A further study showed that Azolla africana had the highest abundance (richness), followed by Salvinia nymphellula, while the species with the lowest abundance (richness) was Ceratophyllum demersum. Ludwigia decurrens and Rhynchospora corymbosa had the lowest evenness (distribution), followed by Nymphaea lotus. Fimbristylis ferruginea had the highest evenness, followed by Echinochloa stagnina. The three most prominent species found at the Stations in order of prominence were: Azolla africana, Salvinia nymphellula, and Polygonum lanigerum occupying 42.33% of the area covered by aquatic plants. The biotic indices of species richness, Shannon - Wiener information function, evenness, and Simpson's Dominance were fairly distributed in the study area.
