The density, composition and mangrove forest habitat in coastal areas of Torosiaje Jaya Village, Gorontalo, Indonesia
Abstract. Rahim S, Baderan DWK, Hamidun MS. 2017. The density, composition and mangrove forest habitat in coastal areas of Torosiaje Jaya Village, Gorontalo, Indonesia. Bonorowo Wetlands 7: 38-42. The mangrove ecosystem is quite good, located in Torosiaje Jaya Village of Popayato Subdistrict, Pohuwato District, Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. This is because the beach in the coastal of Torosiaje Jaya Village is gently sloping; this beach has deposited sediment. A promontory grave is formed that causes the mangrove in that region to grow large and relatively fertile. In addition, the mangrove, which is located in Pohuwato, has relatively high various species. One of them is found from the Avicenniaceae family, namely the Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh. This study aims to (i) obtain the information about the density of the mangrove; (ii) to determine the composition of mangrove species in coastal areas of Torosiaje Jaya Village; and (iii) to know the habitat of the species which is found in coastal areas Torosiaje Jaya Village. Besides, the data were collected by purposive sampling. Moreover, for measuring density, distribution type, diameter trees, and mangrove vegetation height, use a distance method (Point-Centered Quarter Method). Further, the composition types of views are based on the number of species found. To obtain the data of the habitat conditions of the species discovered using direct observation in the field by a tree and laboratory test sample originating from soil samples in the study sites. Moreover, this study finds the four tree species that dominate the mangrove in Torosiaje Jaya Village. They are Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, and Rhizophora stylosa with a density value of 51.55 trees/3 ha with an average distance of 581.94 m/tree. B. gymnorrhiza and R. mucronata dominate in the region due to supply mud as a suitable habitat for its growth; besides, the substrate of mangroves in the Torosiaje Jaya Village is also affected by salinity and temperature. Further, the data obtained can be used to manage mangrove forests located in the coastal of Torosiaje Jaya Village. They can also be data in mangrove conservation efforts to reduce the effects of global warming.