The availability status of macronutrients (N, P, and K) of paddy soil with technical and rainfed irrigation in Karanganyar industrial area, Central Java
Abstract. Sakti P, Purwanto, Minardi S, Sutopo. 2011. The availability status of macronutrients (N, P, and K) of paddy soil with technical and rainfed irrigation in Karanganyar industrial area, Central Java. Bonorowo Wetlands 1: 1-12. This research aims to know the availability status of primary macronutrients (N, P, and K) and soil management of paddy soil with technical and rainfed irrigation in industrial areas. This research is a descriptive exploration by soil survey and sampling. The Soil Map Unit was determined by putting soil samples with the grid method. Soil and water were put by the purposive sampling method. The interview was done with farmers or a group of farmers by the questioner. The result of the research shows the availability of nutrients N, P and K was low pursuant to the stand of Soil Research Institute (2005). Total N regression = 0,356 + 0,622 pH; Available K soil = 3,42-0,978 Ordo; and Available P soil = 0,133 + 0,733 pH. The availability status of primary macronutrients (N, P, and K) of paddy soil with technical irrigation was higher than rainfed irrigation. Status of Cr in soil and water irrigation still under boundary sill designate the factory waste which into the paddy soil relative low and have not signification to availability of primary macronutrients (N, P, and K). Soil management recommendation to increasing availability nutrient by return paddy hay to the soil, put N fertilizer 15-20 cm under soil layer so can enter to reduction layer, put P fertilizer together with organic fertilizer, the channel of inlet and outlet irrigation shall be placed at one side or coupled with adding a 'U' pipe for reducing leaching, and plant rotation on rainfed paddy soil is paddy-paddy-corn to increase the availability of K soil. Fertilizer recommendation of SMU I: 50 kg/ha urea, 40 kg/ha SP 36 and 90 kg/ha KCL; SMU II: 80 kg/ha urea, 50 kg/ha SP 36 and 85 kg/ha KCL; SMU III: 200 kg/ha urea, 53 kg/ha SP 36 and 110 kg/ha KCL; SMU IV: 250 kg/ha urea, 50 kg/ha SP 36 and 105 kg/ha KCL; SMU V: 30 kg /ha urea, 47 kg/ha SP 36 and 110 kg/ha KCL and SMU VI: 150 kg/ha urea, 53 kg/ha SP 36 and 105 kg/ha KCL.