Diversity of Ficus (Moraceae) along the riparian zone of Samin River, Central Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Kusuma AN, Zaky FA, Pribady TR, Agustin YS, Nugroho GD, Dewangga A, Setyawan AD. 2024. Diversity of Ficus (Moraceae) along the riparian zone of Samin River, Central Java, Indonesia. Intl J Bonorowo Wetlands 14: 96-104. Riparian vegetation plays an immense role in maintaining the hydrological and ecological functions of a river. One eminent vegetation species with great importance in riparian zone is the group of Ficus or figs. Many Ficus species occur in riparian ecosystems including in the Samin River, which stretches from Karanganyar to Sukoharjo Districts, Central Java, Indonesia and empties into the Bengawan Solo River. This study aimed to determine the diversity of Ficus along the riparian zone of Samin River from the upstream to the downstream. Data collection used a survey method at six stations by cruising a path with length of 1 km at each station and observing the right and left side of the river with a radius of 5-10 meters. All Ficus species, abiotic factors, altitude, and coordinates of the location point were recorded. Data was analysed to calculate Shannon-Weiner diversity index (H'), Evenness index (E) and Margalef species richness index (R). The results of the study documented 7 Ficus species, namely F. racemosa (34 individuals), F. septica (32 individuals), F. fistulosa (22 individuals), F. benjamina (11 individuals), F. elastica (1 individual), F. microcarpa (1 individual) and F. virens (1 individual). Species diversity index, evenness index and richness index at the upstream, middlestream and downstream sections ranged 0.54-0.88 (low diversity), 0.41-0.80 (uneven-almost even), and 0.52-0.61 (low richness), respectively. Ficus in the Samin River occurred in the habitat with air temperature of 21-38.4°C, humidity of 73-97%, and soil pH of 7-7.2. The findings of this study imply that riparian zone along the Samin River comprises a considerable diversity of Ficus which can maintain river sustainability.


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