Co-management mangrove ecosystem in the Pasarbanggi Village, Rembang District, Central Java




Abstract. Muqorrobin A, Yulianda F, Taryono Kodiran T. 2013. Co-management mangrove ecosystem in the Pasarbanggi Village, Rembang District, Central Java. Bonorowo Wetlands 3: 114-131. Mangrove is one of the coastal’s important ecosystems with benefits, and many stakeholders utilize it. This particular study aimed to (i) identify and analyze the condition of mangrove resources and host of users, (ii) analyze the role and function of each stakeholder, and (iii) identify and analyze the forms of co-management of the mangrove ecosystems management in Pasarbanggi village, Rembang district. Mangrove vegetation data was performed using a quadratic transect method, and data collection was done with purposive sampling interviews. Data obtained from the mangrove vegetation cover density, frequency, cover, and importance value index of mangroves. Stakeholders were analyzed using a matrix of interests and influence determined by criteria and indicators of interest and influence. The results showed that five species of mangrove that exist in the area are Avicennia marina, Rhizophora mucronata, Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora stylosa, and Sonneratia alba. These species are recommended for mangrove rehabilitation of the site. Based on stakeholder analysis, there are 16 stakeholders classified into 4 groups, i.e., subject, key players, crowd, dan bystanders. According to the co-management spectrum, the mangrove management pattern of Pasarbanggi village is still consultative. Therefore, it’s required to improve management patterns to be cooperative level.
