Economic valuation on conversion impact of mangrove area for fish farming in Tambaksumur Village, Karawang, West Java
Abstract. Lovapinka C, Fauzi A, Bahtiar R. 2014. Economic valuation on conversion impact of mangrove area for fish farming in Tambaksumur Village, Karawang, West Java. Bonorowo Wetlands 4: 58-69. Profitable business of brackishwater black tiger shrimp and milkfish pond culture in Karawang Regency have triggered the excessive conversion of mangrove forest areas into brackishwater pond areas. This conversion result negatively impacts the household incomes and the environment since mangrove forests have a strategic role for life, such as a source of human needs, shelter, spawning and food source for marine life, and protection from coastal erosion. A study to identify the benefits of direct use values of mangroves and economic losses, analyze the benefits financially, sustainability pond analysis, and identify policy implications of the impact of tiger shrimp and milkfish with the conversion of mangrove land was conducted in Karawang Regency. Tambak Sumur was selected as a study site since this village has mangrove forest areas converted into brackishwater black tiger shrimp and milkfish as a study site since this village ponds. The parameter observed was the feasibility of mangrove forest conversion into brackishwater black tiger shrimp and milkfish ponds, such as replacement cost and economic valuation. Data were analyzed descriptively. This study revealed that mangrove forests had an important role in communities' income and the environment. Conversion of mangrove forests into brackishwater black tiger shrimp and milkfish ponds financially was still feasible, indicated by R/C of 1.12.