Spatial distribution of marine debris in mangrove ecosystem of Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta
Abstract. Hastuti AR, Yulianda F, Wardiatno Y. 2014. Spatial distribution of marine debris in mangrove ecosystem of Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta. Bonorowo Wetlands 4: 94-107. Research of marine debris (macro debris and microplastics) was conducted in the mangrove ecosystem Pantai Indah Kapuk on March-June 2014. The aims of this research were to analyze the potentials and problems of marine debris and determine an appropriate management strategy. The macro debris was collected using a quadrat transect. Plastic items were the dominant type of macro debris; there recorded 77.7% of macro debris items were plastic, followed by styrofoam (18.1%). The abundance of macro debris was positively correlated with the density of the Avicennia marina, although it was not significantly different by the distance from the lower vegetation mark. Abundances of microplastic were assessed using sediment density separation. Mangrove sediment trapped microplastics up to a depth of least 30 cm without seeming to change. The film was the dominant type of microplastics collected (up to 74.1%), followed by fiber (up to 16.8%). Abundances of macroplastic were not correlated with abundances of microplastic. The management strategies that were suggested were ecosystem rehabilitation using Rhizophora sp. at the lower vegetation mark and widening the mangrove ecosystem.