Mangrove zonation and its associated macrozoobenthos in Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta




Abstract. Putri L, Yulianda F, Wardiatno Y. 2015. Mangrove zonation and its associated macrozoobenthos in Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta. Bonorowo Wetlands 5:  29-43. Mangrove ecosystems experience a variety of environmental pressures that will affect mangrove zonation and associated macrozoobenthos. This study was conducted to determine the zonation of mangroves and their associated macrozoobenthos in Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta. Mangrove vegetation data were collected with the least-squares method and a corer sampling macrozoobenthos. Mangrove-associated and Avicennia marina were found close to the sea and close to the land area, although mangrove multispecies was found in the middle area. Macrozoobenthos was dominated by Oligochaeta, Polychaeta, and Gastropoda, the most abundant in the middle area. Mangrove zonation is correlated with several classes of macrozoobenthos, especially Gastropods and Crustaceans. Recommended management of mangrove habitat the management of waste and rehabilitation with Rhizophora spp.
