The effect of waste on chlorophyll content of leaves and regeneration of mangrove forest at Angke Kapuk Protection Forest, Jakarta




Abstract. Lestari F, Kusmana C. 2015. The effect of waste on chlorophyll content of leaves and regeneration of mangrove forest at Angke Kapuk Protection Forest, Jakarta. Bonorowo Wetlands 5: 77-84. Mangrove ecosystem is a transition ecosystem between land and sea. Currently the mangrove forests at Angke Kapuk Protection Forest, North Jakarta have been degraded by a large amount of waste. To manage this situation, the forest research was carried out with the aim to consider the effect of waste existence on the chlorophyll content of tree leaves and the regeneration of mangrove forests in Angke Kapuk Protection Forest. The results showed that the existence of the waste has not affected the chlorophyll content of leaves, but it has a significant impact on the regeneration of mangrove forests. This is shown with a density of mangrove seedlings in the less waste-occupied mangrove area is bigger than that of medium and high waste-occupied mangrove areas.
