Mangrove ecotourism development at Bilik and Sijile Beach, Labuhan Merak, Baluran National Park, East Java
Abstract. Pangastuti WM, Arief H, Sunarminto T. 2016. Mangrove ecotourism development at Bilik and Sijile Beach, Labuhan Merak. Baluran National Park, East Java. Bonorowo Wetlands 6: 92-102. Mangrove ecosystem in Bilik and Sejile Beach Baluran National Park, East Java were potential to be mangrove ecotourism. The aim of this research was to give alternative strategies of mangrove ecotourism development in Labuhan Merak Resort, Baluran National Park based on demand and supply aspects of ecotourism. Data were collected by interview, questionnaires, observation, and literature study with ecosystem mangrove resources and local people of Sumberwaru village as the object of research. Development of mangrove ecotourism in Bilik and Sejile Beach can be done by making the detail of ecotourism concept synchronize with the tourist interest and also with the local people’s participation, improving the facilities and infrastructure, improving the quality and quantity of the human resources, improving the cleanliness and safety of Bilik and Sejile Beach, optimizing the promotion and make interpretation for the tourist.