Short Communication: The potential of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria of ex-coal mine sediment pond as sulfate reducing agents of acid land in Samarinda, Indonesia
Abstract. Kusumawati E, Sudrajat, Purnamasari I, Panggabean BC, Apriyanti M. 2017. Short Communication: The potential of Sulfate Reducing Bacteria of ex-coal mine sediment pond as sulfate-reducing agents of acid land in Samarinda, Indonesia. Bonorowo Wetlands 7: 79-82. The study aims to determine the effect of pH medium on the growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria taken from the e-coal mine sediment pond and determine its potential as a reducing sulfate agent of acid ex-coal mine land in Samarinda East Kalimantan, Indonesia. This study used six SRB isolated from an ex-coal mine sediment pond in Samarinda. The SRB potency test in reducing sulfate was conducted by growing the SRB on Postgate liquid medium at different pHs of 2, 4, and 6 by adding acid soils on each treatment. The results showed that sulfate reducing bacteria isolated from ex-coal mine sediment pond in Samarinda, i.e., sp.1 (Desulfococcus sp.), sp.2 (Desulfotomaculum sp.), sp.3 (Desulfobacter sp.), sp.4 (Desulfobulbus sp.), sp.5 (Desulfobacterium sp.) and sp.6 (Desulfotomaculum sp.) had potential as sulfate reducing agent of acid land. The efficiency of sulfate reduction was 89%, 91%, and 91% in the pH of 2, 4, and 6, respectively. This indicated that the highest sulfate reduction is in the medium with pH 4 and 6. In addition, sp.5 (Desulfobacterium sp.) growing on medium at pH 4 had the best sulfate reduction efficiency (93%) compared with other SRB isolates.
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