Diversity and distribution of vascular macrophytes in Ansupa Lake, Odisha, India




Abstract. Panda M, Samal RN, Bhatta KS, Lenka S, Rout J, Patra HK, Nanda S. 2018. Diversity and distribution of vascular macrophytes in Ansupa Lake, Odisha, India. Bonorowo Wetlands 8: 1-12. Macrophytes are an indispensable component of any wetlands. They are the base of the trophic structure and variously affect the function of the aquatic ecosystem. To identify the causative plant species, extensive invasion of macrophytes was enforced for present studies in Ansupa Lake, the largest freshwater lake of the state Odisha (India). Regular field inspection, quadratic sampling, and specimen collections were carried out to identify the present macrophytes of the lake and their quantitative aspects like frequency of occurrences, abundance, values of diversity indices, adaptation and growth forms, species distribution, etc. 244 macrophyte species were identified, including 182 semi-aquatic and 62 obligatory aquatic macrophytes. The latter group had 35% submerged, 15% free-floating, 31% rooted floating, and 19% marshy plant species. The comparison of growth form showed 66% annuals and the remaining 34% perennial plants. The diversity indices resulted, Simpson, complement index-0.561, Shannon-Weiner index-1.367, Species richness index 3.079, and Species evenness index-0.156. The study showed that the lake provides suitable habitats for the existence of a diverse group of macrophytes. Still, the extensive invasion of a few species has threatened the lake, which needs to be appropriately managed to restore the health of this natural resource for the benefit of humanity.


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