Short Communication: Diversity of mosquitoes in Central Java, Indonesia that act as new vector in various tropical diseases




Abstract. Khariri. 2018. Short Communication: Diversity of new mosquitoes in Central Java Province that can act as vector in various tropical diseases. Bonorowo Wetlands 8: 71-74. Mosquitoes transmit many diseases as vectors. The presence of mosquitoes is widespread worldwide, including in Indonesia, with an estimated 3100 species from 34 genera. Vector control is the main thing to do and treatment in patients. Morphological identification of mosquitoes aims to identify the character and number of species to become a picture of diversity in an area. Data collection was carried out from the 2015 Special Research Report on Vector and Reservoir Diseases (Rikhus Vektora) in Central Java Province. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively. Mosquito samples in Rikhus Vektora in 2015 in Central Java Province were collected from 3 different ecosystems, namely forest (H), non-forest (NH), and beach (P). The location of the ecosystem includes near settlements (DP) and far from settlements (JP). Mosquito samples were successfully identified as many as 29,071 tails consisting of 5 genera and 37 species. From Pekalongan, a sample of mosquitoes composed of 5 genera and 19 species was obtained. As many as 4 species of mosquitoes are species that have never been identified and reported circulation in Pekalongan. Identification of mosquitoes collected in Purworejo has 5 genera and 23 species. Mosquito samples from Pati were identified as having 5 genera and 22 species.
