Analysis of lead (Pb) levels in water, sediment and mollusks in secondary irrigation channels in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia




Abstract. Tahir IA, Lamondo D, Baderan DWK. 2021. Analysis of lead (Pb) levels in water, sediment and mollusks in secondary irrigation channels in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. Intl J Bonorowo Wetlands 11: 1-6. This study was conducted in July-August 2020 in the secondary irrigation channels of Gorontalo Province aimed to determine the lead content in the water, sediment, and gastropods in the channels. The sampling points were located in four sub-districts, i.e., North Bulango Sub-district, Sipatana Sub-district, Central City Sub-district, and Hulonthalangi Sub-district. The samples were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The data were analyzed qualitatively by comparing them with the contamination thresholds set by the government of Indonesia. The results showed that the levels of lead in water in the four stations were 0.37 mg/L, 1.30 mg/L, 1.69 mg/L, and 0.38 mg/L, respectively, in the sediment 1.1268 ppm, 0.9719 ppm, 0.7602 ppm, and 0.5290 ppm, respectively, and in each mollusk species, i.e., Bellamnya sp. 0.2924 mg/kg, Pomacea canaliculata 0.2413 mg/kg and Pomacea canaliculata 0.1873 mg/kg. The lead levels in the water, sediment, and gastropods in the study sites exceeded the contamination thresholds set by the Indonesian government.


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