Short Communication: Diversity of dragonflies (Ordo: Odonata) on the natural reserve areas of Mt. Sigogor and Mt. Picis, Ponorogo District, Indonesia
Abstract. Pranoto MDP, Mardiono D, Widiyani T, Pertiwi RAP, Az Zhara F, Izzati N. 2019. Short Communication: Diversity of dragonflies (Ordo: Odonata) on the natural reserve areas of Mts. Sigogor and Picis, Ponorogo District, Indonesia. Bonorowo Wetlands 9: 27-31. The Mount Sigogor and Picis Natural Reserves are the conservation areas in Ponorogo, East Java. Mount Sigogor and Picis nature reserves have an ecosystem of tropical rain forests that are naturally protected, providing the reserve with a high potential for biodiversity. The preserved ecosystem conditions are a good habitat for the dragonfly since some dragonfly species require a clean habitat and are sensitive to pollutants. The study was conducted from January to February 2019. The research site was carried out at 7 points, covering 5 points in the reserve and 2 points around Mount Sigogor Nature Reserve. Data retrieval was done using the explorative method. Qualitative and quantitative descriptions were used to analyze the results of dragonflies’ biodiversity. The results have found 18 species of dragonflies with details of 6 species as damselflies (Zygoptera) and 12 species of common dragonflies (Anisoptera). There are 5 species of endemic dragonflies from Java Island, i.e., Drepanosticta sundana, Euphaea variegata, Heliogomphus drescheri, Heliocypha fenestrat, and Vestalis luctuosa. From the Shannon-Wiener discounting index, the value of index diversity on the entire research site is 1.466. The highest diversity value lies in the river's location leading to Toyo Marto's waterfall with a 2.02 diversity-index value. Obtained results that the Euphaea variegata has the most abundant with a 40.23% value.