Effect of the media type and auxin concentration on the growth of cuttings seedlings of pepper (Piper nigrum)




Abstract. Amanah S, Budiastuti MTHS, Sulistyo A. 2022. Effect of the media type and auxin concentration on the growth of cuttings seedlings of pepper (Piper nigrum). Cell Biol Dev 6: 32-40. Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is an export commodity and has become one of the Indonesian sources of income. It is necessary to develop the best cultivation for increasing pepper production. Vegetative propagation has been chosen in this research, using manure as part of the media and auxin as a growth hormone. The research aims to find the best media and auxin concentration for the ideal growth of pepper grafting. The research conducted in Manyaran Wonogiri, Indonesia, with RCB design consists of two factors arranged in the factorial method. The first factor is the kind of media (soil, soil + manure, soil + manure + husk), and the second is auxin's concentration (0 g/L, 12.5 g/L, 25 g/L, 37.5 g/L; 50 g/L). Observation variables are bud growth time, number of buds, length of bud, number of leaves, leaf width, number of roots, length of root, and life percentage of cuttings. Data were analyzed by F test at 1% and 5% and continued with DMRT at 5% if the treatment had a significant effect. It is also continued with regression if there was an interaction between treatments. The longest bud was found on soil + manure + husk (12.28 cm) and followed by soil + manure (10.57 cm) and soil (6.15 cm) in the low level, respectively. The study revealed that the bud length and the number of roots were influenced by auxin concentration. The longest bud was found using 12.5 g/L of auxin (15.14 cm), followed by 50 g/L, 25 g/L, 0 g/L, and 37.5 g/L in the low level, respectively (12.05 cm, 7.72 cm, 7.67 cm, 5.75 cm). The highest number of roots was found on 0 g/L and 12.5 g/L of auxin (7.78), followed by 50 g/L, 25 g/L, and 37.5 g/L in the low level, respectively (4, 3.43, 2.33). The number of roots and percentage of life cuttings showed an interaction between the two factors. The number of roots on the soil shows a parabolic response with auxin. In the beginning, the number of roots decreased and then increased with increasing auxin concentration. The number of roots on soil + manure and soil + manure + husk showed the same pattern with auxin concentration. Almost 100% of life cuttings have been found on all media and auxin concentrations. Soil + manure with 25 g/L auxins and soil + manure + husk with 50 g/L auxins caused 33.33% and 66.67% life cuttings, respectively.



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