Review: Chemical profiles and therapeutic potentials of golden sea cucumber (Stichopus hermanii)




Abstract. Aulia AA, Astuti AR, Wulandari AA, Nugroho GD, Setyawan AD. 2024. Review: Chemical profiles and therapeutic potentials of golden sea cucumber (Stichopus hermanii). Cell Biol Dev 8: 58-67. The golden sea cucumber (Stichopus hermanii) is a species of sea cucumber that has a unique chemical profile and significant therapeutic potential. Traditionally, sea cucumbers have been used in medicine in Southeast Asia for their properties which include anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. The distribution of golden sea cucumbers is dominant in Southeast Asia and Northern Australia, but their populations are threatened due to excessive fishing. Conservation efforts through cultivation are being developed to restore wild stocks. This research aims to determine the hidden chemical profile and therapeutic potential of the golden sea cucumber by collecting information from various literature. Golden sea cucumbers have many chemical profiles, namely protein, saponin, triterpenoid, collagen, GAGs, flavonoid, mineral, glutathione, alkaloid, methanol, and hyaluronic acid. This spesies also have great potential as therapeutic agents, such as wound healing, antifungal properties, hipertrigliseridemia, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, bone and tooth regeneration. This research brings various data that showed the importance of golden sea cucumbers in the field of health, such as the ability to increase insulin sensitivity, which is beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. Additionally, the high protein content in sea cucumbers provides additional nutritional value and supports antioxidant function. An in-depth understanding of the chemical composition and therapeutic benefits of golden sea cucumbers can encourage the development of biomedical products and support the economic well-being of coastal communities that depend on this resource. Therefore, conservation measures for this species must continue to be carried out so that it remains sustainable in nature and can be used wisely by humans.



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