Genetic potential of cassava biodiversity in Bangka Island, Indonesia




Abstract. Lestari T, Apriyadi R. 2017. Genetic potential of cassava biodiversity in Bangka Island, Indonesia. Cell Biol Dev 1: 41-45. Cassava is potentially a mixture ingredient of flour in the Bangka's food industry. This study aimed to discover the biodiversity of local cassava in Bangka. This research was conducted in the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bangka Belitung, Indonesia, from July 2015 to July 2016. The experimental design was randomized block design with 10 local cassavas of Bangka that consisted of upang, sekula, bayel, mentega, kuning, batin, pulut, sutera, rakit, and Selangor. Isozyme analysis was performed using starch gel electrophoresis with horizontal models. Analysis for five Bangka local cassava varieties and one National cassava variety used RAPD group OP A and OP B. The results showed that the phenotypic performance was different on the type of plant, the morphology of leaves, stems, and tubers of local cassava of Bangka. Furthermore, isozyme analysis showed a polymorphic banding pattern, while the eight RAPD primers used did not produce polymorphic. Furthermore, this research showed Bangka local cassava morphologically different based on visual observation. The morphological character of the Bangka local cassava leaf was divided into three shapes of lobe: ellipse (upang, sekula, bayel, mentega, batin, pulut, rakit, Selangor), linear (kuning), and lanceolate (sutera). his research data showed that local cassava's genetic diversity in Bangka is relatively high. Therefore, Bangka local cassava has the genetic potential for plant breeding as a plant propagation material.



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