Physical characteristics and NaCl content of urine white male rat (Rattus norvegicus L.) after orally intakes of cogon grass rhizome (Imperata cylindrica L.) extract




Abstract. The aims of this research were to find out the effects of oral intakes of cogon grass rhizome (Imperata cylindrica L.) extract on physical characteristics and NaCl content of urine, and the dosage of the extract that able to significantly change the physical characteristics and the content of NaCl on the urine white male rat (Rattus norvegicus L.). Complete Randomized Design with six groups and five replications to each group was used in this study. The treatment applied for those groups were: aquadest 2 ml/200 g BW, HCT 0,32 mg/200 g BW, CMC 2% 2 ml/200 g BW, the cogon grass rhizome extract 5 mg/200 g BW, the cogon grass rhizome extract 10 mg/200 g BW and the cogon grass rhizome extract 20 mg/200 g BW for groups I to VI respectively. The parameters used for the physical characteristics of the urine were volume, color, clearness, pH, density, and urine sediments. Analysis of NaCl content was done by the Fantus method. Data collected were then analyzed using ANOVA and continued with the DMRT test at the level of 5% significance. The result showed that orally intakes of cogon grass rhizome extract at all level dosages (5 mg/200 g BW, 10 mg/200 g BW, and 20 mg/200 g BW) were significantly increased the volume of urine and reduced NaCl content, but no effect on pH and density of the urine. Orally intakes of cogon grass rhizome extract have also changed color, clearness, and urine sediment components.
