Diversity of essential oils constituent of Curcuma




Abstract. Curcuma rhizome had been used a long time ago as spices, flavoring agents, and medicinal substances. This genus consists of about 20 species based on morphological characters. However, only seven species can be obtained and used in this essay, namely C. aeruginosa Roxb. (temu ireng) C. domestica Val. (kunir), C. heyneana Val. & van Zipj. (temu giring), C. mangga Val. (temu mangga), C. purpurascens Bl. (temu gleyeh), C. xanthorrhiza Roxb. (temu lawak), and C. zedoaria (Berg.) Rosc. (temu putih). This research was conducted to find out: (i) percentage of the volatile oil of seven Curcuma species, (ii) type and percentage of volatile oil components of those Curcuma, and (iii) similarity index of the volatile oil of those Curcuma based on type and percentage of each component. The plant materials were gathered from Surakarta and sold at traditional markets. Volatile oils were obtained by hydrodistillation method; type and percentage of components were determined by GC method, while similarity index was determined by UPGMA method. The result indicated that (i) volatile oil contents in the seven species of rhizome vary from 0.5-6% (v/w), (ii) the total number of volatile oil components of the rhizome (content >1%) was 64 compounds. The rhizome had 10 major components at the RT value of 5.30, 5.64, 7.98, 13.94, 14.05,14.38, 15.75, 16.43, 17.11, and 17.78 (iii). The relationships of those seven species were as follows: C. mangga and C. zedoaria had a close relationship on the similarity index of 81%, and then C. xanthorrhiza joined on the similarity index of 73%. C. domestica and C. purpurascens had a close relationship on the similarity index of 75%. Those two groups joined at the similarity index of 67%. C. aeruginosa and C. heyneana had a close relationship on the similarity index of 72%. Those three groups joined at the similarity index of 59%. It is usually because they are of the same genus.
