Phytochemical and proximate compositions of frond extracts of Nephrolepis biserrata, Phymatosorus scolopendria, and Microgramma mauritiana in Rivers State University, Nigeria




Abstract. Ibiye A, Green BO, Ajuru MG, Chikere LC. 2024. Phytochemical and proximate compositions of frond extracts of Nephrolepis biserrata, Phymatosorus scolopendria, and Microgramma mauritiana in Rivers State University, Nigeria. Asian J Nat Prod Biochem 22: 1-7. Pteridophytes have a great range of forms and are cosmopolitan in distribution. There are about 13,500 species of fern and allies distributed throughout the world. This research was carried out to investigate the phytochemical and proximate compositions of three species of ferns growing at Rivers State University, Nigeria. The three fern species were Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw.) Desv., Phymatosorus scolopendria (Burm.fil.) Pic.Serm., and Microgramma mauritiana (Willd.) Tardieu. The phytochemical and proximate composition analyses were done using standard procedures. Results from the phytochemical analysis showed that glycoside was the highest content in the three ferns, that is, P. scolopendria (17.24%), N. biserrata (14.47%), M. mauritiana (12.8%), followed by alkaloid in M. mauritiana (7.18%), N. biserrata (6.10%), P. scolopendria (4.42%). Phenol content in M. mauritiana, P. scolopendria, and N. biserrata were 4.09%, 2.17%, and 1.33%, respectively. Flavonoid content in N. biserrata, P. scolopendria, and M. mauritiana were 3.16%, 2.87%, and 2.43%, respectively. Saponin content in P. scolopendria, M. mauritiana, and N. biserrata were 1.65%, 1.35%, and 1.29%, respectively. Tannins content in P. scolopendria, M. mauritiana, and N. biserrata were 2.54%, 1.91%, and 0.98%, respectively. Results from proximate analysis showed that the highest moisture content was in M. mauritiana (53.39%), followed by P. scolopendria (50.78%) and N. biserrata (44.58%). The lowest content in the frond extracts was ash, with the values of M. mauritiana (0.84%), N. biserrata (0.83%), and P. scolopendria (0.73%). The results of the phytochemical and proximate evaluation of the species studied indicated that they are nutritionally and medicinally important, and their consumption can provide essential nutrients humans need.


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