Ethnomedicine, improved traditional medicine from Cocos nucifera water and evaluation of antibacterial activity on four bacterial strains in Center, Cameroon




Abstract. Lamy GML, Likeng JLN, Ndjib RC, Ndounga SEN, Elomo LB, Mbuh SM, Nnanga LS, Mahama, Biyon JBN, Harmsen K, Nga EN, Tchinda AT. 2024. Ethnomedicine, improved traditional medicine from Cocos nucifera water and evaluation of antibacterial activity on four bacterial strains in Center, Cameroon. Asian J Nat Prod Biochem 22: 27-34. In 2017, the WHO published its first list of “priority pathogens” resistant to antibiotics to combat growing antimicrobial resistance globally. These include bacteria that are multi-resistant to several antibiotics (Acinetobacter, Escherichia, etc.) and others (Salmonella, Shigella, etc.). Currently, research is focused on new antibiotics and medicinal plants are among the favored natural resources. Worldwide, Cocos nucifera water (Arecaceae) or coconut water, is traditionally reported to fight bacterial diseases. Unfortunately, information is lacking on its antibacterial potential in Center, Cameroon. The aim is to determine the traditional antibacterial uses of this water in Central, Cameroon. Then, transform this water into Improved Traditional Medicine (ITM). Finally, evaluate the antibacterial activity of ITM on 4 bacterial strains following the respective Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) of 0.015 and 0.25 µg/mL. The methods were ethnomedicinal surveys, the pre-formulation protocol of medicinal syrup, and sensitivity tests in liquid and solid media. Therefore, 76 informants belonging to several ethnolinguistic groups participated. Women (55.27%) exceed men (44.73%) traditionally used coconut water more to treat digestive disorders (stomachache and constipation). An antibacterial ITM named Coco Water Cure (CWC) was manufactured. The more sensitive Salmonella enteritidis and Shigella dysenteriae bacteria with CWC had an MIC of 0.25 µL/mL, respectively. In conclusion, coconut water containing actives compounds such as lauric acid is eligible among the natural antibiotic resources from Center, Cameroon.


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