Short Communication: Spermicidal properties of Durio zibethinus in the Mandiangin Forests, South Kalimantan, Indonesia




Abstract. Nurliani A, Kartinah N. 2017. Short Communication: Spermicidal properties of Durio zibethinus in the Mandiangin Forests, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biofarmasi J Nat Prod Biochem 15: 26-28. Side effects caused by a condom with synthetic spermicide encourage researchers to find alternative spermicides from plants with fewer side effects. The bark of durian extract is a potential candidate for herbal spermicide because it could decrease the percentage of human spermatozoa quality in vitro at the concentrations of 2%. This study evaluated its spermicidal activity in vitro on human spermatozoa's motility, movement velocity, viability, and morphology. The gel formulation with 2% of the bark of durian extract was developed using hydroxypropyl methylcellulose as a gelling agent with 3 different concentrations, namely, 1.5, 2, and 2.5 %. Evaluation of gel preparations, including physical appearance, viscosity, spreadability, and pH, was done to obtain the best formula. Based on the evaluation, the best performance of gel was achieved by adding 2% of HPMC. Furthermore, the spermicidal activity of the gel with the bark of durian extract was tested and compared to the bark of durian extract without gel, gel without bark of durian extract, and the fresh sperm as control. Formulation of gel with the bark of durian extract significantly decreased all parameters of spermatozoa quality. Thus, a formula containing 2% of the bark of durian extract with HPMC 2% possesses appreciable spermicidal potential.
