The antipyretic effect of basil leaf extract (Ocimi sancti folium) in rats




Abstract. The community believes Basil leaves to reduce fever. This study aimed to determine the effect of antipyretic and the effectiveness of basil leaf extract (Ocimi sancti folium) in rats. This research was experimental laboratory research by using a random sampling technique. The experimental animal used was Wistar rats aged less than 2 months; as many as 20 rats were divided into 4 groups. Group 1 as a negative control group was given aqua dest of 2.5 ml, while groups 2, 3, and 4 as test groups were each given basil extract by 3.15 mg/100 gr BB, 6.30 mg/100 gr BB and 12.60 mg/100 gr BB, respectively, dissolved in 2.5 ml of aqua dest. To increase the temperature, it was injected vaccine DPT 0.2 cc intra-muscular. The temperature measurement is conducted by using a digital thermometer. The data obtained were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences 11.5 (SPSS 11.5) with Univariate Analysis of Variance method followed by Post Hoc test. The one-factor analysis from the Univariate Analysis of Variance test showed that the average of rats’ rectal temperature was significantly different for each test group. For each time range of temperature measurement, each of them was 0.034 and 0.005 with a significant level (?) = 0.05. From the analysis result using the Post Hoc Test, there was a significant difference between the dose group of 3.15 mg/100 gr BB with a dose group of 12.60 mg/100 gr BB and between the temperature measurements of 120 and 180 minutes. The lowest rectal rat temperature was obtained at the first dose and the 180th minute. The results showed that the basil leaf extract had an antipyretic effect on rats. A dose of 3.15 mg/100 gr BB at the 180th minute was optimal for the lowest average rectal temperature.
