Sugarcane juice fermentation for making probiotic beverages with variations of type and inoculum concentration
Abstract. Kristanti D, Setyaningsih R, Susilowati A. 2006. Sugarcane juice fermentation for making probiotic beverages with variations of type and inoculum concentration. Biofarmasi 5: 1-7. The exact type and concentration of inoculum in the manufacture of probiotic beverages are expected to produce a probiotic beverage that can meet the standard. This research aimed to determine the type of inoculum, the concentration of inoculum, and the combination of type and concentration of inoculum that meet the standard reviewed from the number of viable bacterial cells, reduction sugar content, acid total, the value of pH, and organoleptic test. The research was conducted using a factorialcompletely randomized design consisting of two factors: (i) the type of inoculum consisted of three levels, namely Lactobacillus casei, L. acidophilus, and L. plantarum; (ii) the concentration of inoculum consisted of three levels, i.e., 1%, 2%, and 3%. The experiment was conducted with three replications. The fermentation media includes sugarcane juice, skim milk 10%, and gelatin 0.3% fermented with each inoculum for 96 hours. The parameters measured included the number of viable bacterial cells, acid total, pH value, reduction sugar content, and organoleptic test. Data obtained were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and continued with the DMRT test at the significance level of 5%. The organoleptic test was analyzed by using a hedonic method. The research results showed that all types and the concentration of inoculum tested could be used in the fermentation of sugarcane juice for making probiotic beverages. The number of viable bacterial cells and the pH value met the standards of probiotic drinks in all treatments. The total of acid met the standards of probiotic beverage, except in the treatment of L. casei dan L. plantarum 1%. The result of the organoleptic test showed the preference of panelists on the scale of dislike instead of likes.