The effect of papaya (Carica papaya) sap supplementation in ration on performance of male New Zealand White rabbit




Abstract. Wicaksono PP, Subagyo YBP, Lotojo. 2008. The effect of papaya (Carica papaya) sap supplementation in ration on male New Zealand White rabbit performance. Biofarmasi 6: 16-21. This research aimed to determine the effect of papaya (Carica papaya) sap supplementation on male New Zealand White rabbit performance. The research was conducted at Balai Pembibitan dan Budidaya Ternak Non Ruminansia (BPBTNR), located in Balekambang, Surakarta from 23 April to 18 June 2007. This research used 16 male New Zealand White rabbits divided into four treatments and four replicates; each repetition used a single rabbit. The design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with unbalanced data. The treatment given was 60% forage, 40% concentrate with papaya (Carica papaya) sap supplementation in feed, consisted of without papaya sap (P0), feed with papaya sap 0.2 g/rabbit (P1), feed with papaya sap 0.4 g/rabbit (P2), and feed with papaya sap 0.6 g/rabbit (P3). The research variables observed were feed consumption, daily weight gain, feed conversion, and feed efficiency. The research results showed that papaya sap supplementation up to 0.6 g/rabbit did not increase feed consumption, daily weight gain, feed efficiency and did not decrease feed conversion.
