Influence of temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) flour addition in ration to digestibility of dry matter and organic matter on male local lamb




Abstract. Damasto PE, Sudiyono, Subagyo YBP. 2008. Influence of temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) flour addition in ration to the digestibility of dry matter and organic matter on local male lamb. Biofarmasi 6): 52-57. Lamb livestock is one of the suppliers of animal protein in Indonesia, which potential to be developed, but the management system used was still traditional. One of the important factors in lamb livestock productivity is feed. Therefore, the fulfillment of feed, either from its quantity or quality, is necessary. Besides that, to increase consumption, growth, digestibility, health, and feed efficiency, the livestock needs the existence of feed additives. Feed additive is a unique substance intending to be enhanced in livestock ration for its certain purpose. The feed additive substance was temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) flour in this research. This research aimed to determine the influence of temulawak flour addition in ration on dry matter digestibility and organic matter on local male lamb. From September 13th, 2007, this research was done until November 23rd, 2007 on Mini farm of Animal Husbandry Program of Agriculture Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, located in Jatikuwung Gondangrejo Karanganyar, Central Java. The research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). This research used 16 lambs with 12.07±1.11 kg of body weight, divided into four treatments, i.e., P0, P1, P2, and P3; each treatment consisted of four replications, and each replica used one local male lamb. The treatments were P0 = 0% temulawak flour (as a control), P1 = 0.5% temulawak flour, P2 = 1% temulawak flour, and P3 = 1.5% temulawak flour.   The parameters observed were dry matter intake, organic matter intake, dry matter digestibility, and organic matter digestibility. The result of this research for each treatment (P0, P1, P2, P3) on dry matter intake was 681.97, 667.48, 695.72, and 688.04 grams/lamb/day, on organic matter intake were 589.91, 576.64, 600.76, and 595.68 grams/lamb/day, on dry matter digestibility were 64.76, 63.20, 68.27, and 68.39%. Organic matter digestibility was 70.63, 68.75, 73.15, and 73.44%. Analysis variance showed that the different result was insignificant at all parameters and treatments. The conclusion was the addition of temulawak flour until the level of 1.5% from the total ration had no effect on dry matter intake, organic matter intake, and dry matter and organic matter digestibility on the local male lamb.
