The effect of curcumin extract (Curcuma longa) on liver cell damage necrosis of mice after alcohol induction




Prasetyo Y, Suyatmi, Hanim D. 2012. The effect of turmeric extract (Curcuma longa) in preventing liver cell damage of mice by alcohol induction. Biofarmasi 10: 28-33. Turmeric extract (Curcuma longa) has an antioxidant activity to protect liver cell damage resulted by free radicals activity produced by alcohol metabolism. The objective of this research was to investigate the hepatoprotection activity of turmeric extract on liver cell damage induced by alcohol. This study was a laboratory experimental research with the post-test only controlled group design. The samples in this research were twenty-eight male mice (Mus musculus), Swiss Webster type, in age of 2-3 months old and ±20 g of body weight. The samples were divided into four groups, each group consisted of seven mice. Control group (K) was only given by aquadest 1 mL/20 g body weight of mice for 9 days in a row. The first treatment group (PI) was treated and given by alcohol with an increment form by 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% with a dose of 0.028 mL/20 g body weight of mice. The second treatment group (PII) was given like PI and given by turmeric extract in dose I by 0.14 mg/20 g body weight of mice for 9 days in a row. The third treatment group (PIII) was given like PI and given by turmeric extract in dose II by 0.28 mg/20 g body weight of mice. Finally on 9th day, mice were sacrificed with a vertebra cervical dislocation, then the liver was taken and stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE). Histologic preparation was observed and scored based on the hepatocyte nuclear appearance (pyknosis, karyorrhexis and karyolysis). Each of them was given with score 1. Data were analyzed by One-Way ANOVA test (α=0.05) and before that, the data of control and P1 groups were analyzed by t-test independent. The analysis was continued by Post-Hoc Multiple Comparisons (LSD) test (α=0.05). The result of One-Way ANOVA showed that there was a significant difference among four groups. The result of Post-Hoc Multiple Comparisons (LSD) method showed that there was a significant difference between K-PI, K-PII, K-PIII, PI-PII, PII-PIII and PI-PIII (p<0.05). According to the results of this research, it was concluded that the turmeric extract was able to decrease the liver cell damage of mice, but the increase of turmeric extract dose, twice of first dose was not followed by the increase of protection effect to the liver cell damage of mice which induced by alcohol (p<0.05).
