Short Communication: Evaluation of antimicrobial activities of Alchemilla vulgaris and Portulaca oleracea ethanolic extracts and correlation with their phytochemical profiles
Abstract. Edrah SM. 2017. Short Communication: Evaluation of antimicrobial activities of Alchemilla vulgaris and Portulaca oleracea ethanolic extracts and correlation with their phytochemical profiles. Biofarmasi J Nat Prod Biochem 15: 91-94. The ethanol extracts of leaves of Alchemilla vulgaris and Portulaca oleracea were studied for antimicrobial activity at 10 mg/mL concentrations by using the disc diffusion method on two gram-positive bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis; three gram-negative bacteria: Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and one fungus: Candida albicans were used in the study. After incubation for 24 hrs, the zone of inhibition was compared with standard antibiotics Gentamycin (10 ?g/disc) used as a positive control. The dose-dependent study concluded that the ethanol extract of A. vulgaris was more potential than the leaf extract of P. oleracea. Almost all of the chemical ingredients present in both ethanol extracts, such as tannins, flavonoids, and phenols, may be responsible for the antimicrobial activity.
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