Physicochemical composition of some new craft beers consumed in Maroua town from Far North region of Cameroon




Abstract. Diguir M, Laya A, Wangso H, Bayang JP, Koubala BB. 2021. Physicochemical composition of some new craft beers consumed in Maroua town from Far North region of Cameroon. Biofarmasi J Nat Prod Biochem 19: 70-80. The work aimed to investigate the physicochemical composition of various craft beers (CB) and their distillates produced in Maroua town. The beers named “Bil-Bil,” “Cochette,” and “Furdu" were collected both morning and evening time. Dry matter, pH, titratable acid, total dissolved solids, proteins, sugars, carbohydrates, amino acids, and alcohol content were evaluated. The results showed that local beers had a pH ranging from 4.06 to 4.22, 4.15 to 3.84, and 3.53 to 3.37 for "Furdu,” "Cochette," and “Bil-bil,” respectively. The alcohol varied between 5.40 and 6.92%, 1.08 and 5.10%, 1.73 and 2.88 for “Furdu,” “Cochette," and "Bil-bil,” respectively. The sugars ranged from 11.85 to 19.05 mg/mL for “Furdu”, from 2.20 to 9.46 mg/mL for “Cochette” and from 9.92 to 19.78 mg/mL for "Bil-bil". For amino acids, the values varied from 3.40 to 7.37 mg /mL for “Furdu”, 3.98 to 6.01 mg / mL for “Cochette” and 2.95 to 3.24 mg/mL for “Bil-Bil”. Regarding protein, the values ranged from 0.80 to 0.85 mg/mL for these three CB. The distillates of CB collected evening showed high alcohol in fraction 1. Thus, these CB analyses can be promoted for alternative beer in Maroua town. Furthermore, the unsold CB can be distilled into ethanol.


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