The application of the blue economy concept for traditional fisheries management in a conflict zone




Abstract. Bidayani E, Reniati, Priyambada A. 2023. The application of the blue economy concept for traditional fisheries management in a conflict zone. Indo Pac J Ocean Life 7: 143-147. The blue economy refers to an environmentally friendly management concept to ensure the sustainability of fish resources, considered an effective method in minimizing conflicts of interest in coastal areas. This study focused on one of the conflict zones in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands, located on the coast of Kebintik Village and Batu Belubang Village, Pangkalan Baru Sub-district, Central Bangka Province, Indonesia. This study aims to: (i) Analyse the implementation of the blue economy principles and (ii) Analyse the traditional capture fisheries management in conflict zones for sustainable fish resources. The research was conducted from June to July 2022. The population in this study includes traditional fishermen who have operated for more than one year in coastal areas, as many as 30 people and 30 people affected by the community's conflict. The research method of this study was a survey, while the data collection was conducted using census techniques and focus group discussions, generating both primary and secondary data. Primary data collection was conducted using a questionnaire, observation, and documentation. Meanwhile, secondary data collection was conducted through a literature study. The data analysis method used in this study is the descriptive method. The conclusions of this study are: (i) Implementation of blue economy principles, including resource efficiency, zero waste, social care, production cycle systems, investment, innovation, and adaptation, ranging from 86% - 100% or high category; and (ii) Traditional capture-fisheries management in conflict zones for sustainable fish resources which is considered as a compromise.



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