Spatial models of suitable sandy substrates for brittle star community conservation in Sancang Coast, West Java, Indonesia




Abstract. Suprapto PK, Husna IR, Meylani V, Basukriadi A, Wibowo AA, Nurdin E. 2022. Spatial models of suitable sandy substrates for brittle star community conservation in Sancang Coast, West Java, Indonesia. Indo Pac J Ocean Life 6: 87-93. The brittle star is known as one of the echinoids with the largest members. Currently, brittle star species are threatened due to harvests for fulfilling decorative species demands in aquariums. This study aims to determine suitable sandy substrates for the brittle star community in Sancang Coast, West Java, Indonesia, in three representative stations. Brittle star presences and environmental variables were surveyed using belt transect methods, and sandy substrate suitability was determined using scoring and an interpolation method aided by GIS. Results show three species belong to the Ophiocomidae, with Ophiocoma scolopendrina (Lamarck, 1816) (brittle lagoon star) being the most abundant. About 394,631 m2 of sandy substrates were available, and an estimated 47.52% is considered very suitable for brittle stars. Most suitable sandy substrates were located on the West side, characterized by low water temperature, high salinity, and alkaline water. In contrast, less suitable sandy substrates were located on the coast's east side, characterized by high water temperature, low salinity, and acidic water. To conclude, this research has identified which parts of the Sancang Coast should be prioritized to conserve brittle stars.



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