Diversity of reef fish in the littoral zone of the south coast of Gunungkidul District, Yogyakarta, Indonesia




Abstract. Rahma HS, Ayuningtyas HR, Nabila I, Annafi DN, Dianti, Yap CK, Dadiono MS, Setyawan AD. 2024. Diversity of reef fish in the littoral zone of the south coast of Gunungkidul District, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Indo Pac J Ocean Life 8: 43-51. Diversity in the intertidal zone plays an important role in the marine ecosystem. The balance of the intertidal zone's ecosystem and environmental health can be inferred from the diversity of fish. This study aims to identify reef fish species diversity in the intertidal zone of the south coast of Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The research was conducted on five beaches, i.e., Pringjono, Ngrenehan, Ngrawah, Torohudan, and Dadap Ayam, each with its own distinct ecological features. Survey and exploratory methodologies were utilized to analyze and reveal field findings. Observation and sampling were conducted using the random sampling approach. Data were analyzed using the Shannon Diversity Index (H'), the Evenness Index (E), and the Richness Index (Dmg). The study identified 1,378 individuals comprising 45 species and 28 families. The highest number of individuals was caught at Pringjono Beach, with 369 individuals. Asterropteryx semipunctata and Bathygobius fuscus from the Gobiidae family dominated most stations. The Diversity Index (H') indicated high species diversity across all stations, with the highest value of 3.562 and the lowest of 3.023. For the Evenness Index, most of the five stations were classified as almost evenly distributed, as the lowest value was 0.92 and the highest was 0.97. Meanwhile, the richness index of the fish species at the five research locations is a high category. In sampling stations, there are some differences in abiotic factors, such as salinity, water pH, water temperature, and Dissolved Oxygen (DO), which can affect the composition and distribution of reef fish in the littoral zone in Gunungkidul beach areas.



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