The management of coffee shade tree canopy in agroforestry systems: Comparing coffee farmers' ecological knowledge with modern ecological knowledge




Abstract. Purnamasari E, Kusumawati IA, Mardiani MO, Pratiwi DK, Hairiah K. 2022. The management of coffee shade tree canopy in agroforestry systems: Comparing coffee farmers' ecological knowledge with modern ecological knowledge. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 8: 1-8. Farmer knowledge used in managing agroforestry land was inherited from ancestors but continues to develop over time. The local wisdom studied here focuses on farmers' understanding of the role of plants in their environment. This study aims to understand local ecological knowledge (LEK) about the importance of soil organic matter and the role of tree roots in managing the agro-ecosystem. LEK was compared to scientific/modern ecological knowledge (MEK). This research was conducted in two coffee-producing villages Tulungrejo (Ngantang District) and Tawangargo (Karangploso District), both in Malang Regency. While most farmers recognize that aboveground litter falling on the ground fertilizes the soil, only a few understand the benefits of dead tree roots as a source of soil organic matter. Farmers understand that there is competition (for light, water, and nutrients) between trees in agroforestry systems, so it is necessary to adjust the spacing or prune the trees to get more light for lower crops. However, the effect of branch pruning on tree root development is still not widely known by farmers.


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