Biodiversity of Nantu forests as a source of traditional medicine for Polahi community in the District of Gorontalo
Rahim S. 2015. Biodiversity of Nantu forests as a source of traditional medicine for Polahi community in the District of Gorontalo. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1 (2): 254-258. Nantu-Boliyohuto forest is located at altitude 200 – 2065 masl, covering a total area of 63.523 Ha, in which the Nantu wildlife reserve occupies about 33.891 Ha. Biodiversity in Nantu forest is extremely high, especially flora diversity, including Cycas rumphii, Mythic Caryota, Livistonia rotundifolia -locally known as woka (included in appendix II of CITES), Macaranga crassistipulosa, Elmerillia ovalis, Terminalia celebica, Diospyros hebecarpa (endemic in Sulawesi), Dracontomelon dao (locally known as rao), Palaquium obovatum (locally known as nantu), as well as the giant orchid Grammatophyllum speciosum. Plants in this area are often utilized by the local community as a source of traditional medicine, for example in treatment for fever, healing wounds, and treatment in laboring. Primary and secondary data is obtained from literature and field survey with a qualitative approach. This study provides information on plant species forming the vegetation so that the community can conserve and utilize it as traditional medicine.