The effect of salicylic acid and Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) concentrations variation on the growth of protocorm Dendrobium stocklebuschii x Dendrobium calophyllum orchids




Abstract. Latrianto A, Solichatun, Pitoyo A, Maylendra CT. 2022. The effect of salicylic acid and Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) concentrations variation on the growth of protocorm Dendrobium stocklebuschii x Dendrobium calophyllum orchids. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 8: 87-95. Dendrobium is one genus of orchid plants that has attractive flowers. They are commonly used as decoration because they have relatively a long resistance. Orchid species Dendrobium stocklebuschii x Dendrobium calophyllum is a hybrid orchid from a cross between Dendrobium stocklebuschii and Dendrobium calophyllum. This orchid is interesting because it comes from two Indonesia endemic orchids. However, the cultivation aspects of these orchid species have not been widely developed, especially in their tissue culture. This study aimed to determine the effect of varying concentrations of salicylic acid and benzyl amino purine (BAP) on the growth of protocorm of Dendrobium stocklebuschii x Dendrobium calophyllum orchids. MS medium was used as the base medium, with 9 BAP and salicylic acid combinations as the treatment medium. Protocorm was cultured and the incubation period was in 6 weeks. The data parameters observed included wet mass, root length, plant height, shoot height, number of shoots, number of roots, and number of leaves. Data were analyzed statistically using ANOVA and followed by DMRT’s test at a 5% level. The results of the descriptive analysis indicated that concentration variations of BAP hormones and salicylic acid affected the orchid protocorm growth. All parameters showed growth in the orchid protocorm, except for the parameters of roots numbers, the number of shoots, shoot height and root length, which only in certain variations gave an effect. Nevertheless, ANOVA analysis resulted in no significant difference in the orchid protocorm orchid growth due to the concentration variations of BAP hormone and salicylic acid.


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