Characteristic of private forest based on its management orientation: Case study in Sukamaju Village, Ciamis District and Kiarajangkung Village, Tasikmalaya District, West Java
Sanudin, Fauziyah E. 2015. Characteristic of private forest based on its management orientation: Case study in Sukamaju Village, Ciamis District and Kiarajangkung Village, Tasikmalaya District, West Java. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 696-701. Private forest management with agroforestry is a choice of many farmers in Java. Private forest management depends on farmers pretension, thus characteristic of private forest different both choices of crops and planting patterns. This study aimed to know private forest characteristic based on its management orientation. The study was conducted in Sukamaju Village, Panumbangan, Ciamis District and Kiarajangkung, Sukahening, Tasikmalaya District on April to Juli 2012. Data were collected through interviews with 20 respondents (farmers) with purposive sampling and through field observation. The results showed that private forests characteristic on subsistence orientation were more approximate a complex agroforestry model (diversity of crops), simple management and selective cutting in harvesting. While, in the semi-commercial/commercial farmers, characteristics of private forest were more like a simple agroforestry system (monoculture), intensive management, and mostly used clear-cutting system in harvesting.