Diversity and clustering of the soybean promising lines in Sleman District, Yogyakarta
Adie MM, Krisnawati A, Harnowo D. 2015. Diversity and clustering of the soybean promising lines in Sleman District, Yogyakarta. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 1: 787-791. High yielding variety formed from various genetic materials has an important role in the improvement of soybean production per unit area. A total of 29 soybean genotypes, including the check varieties of Grobogan, Baluran, Dering 1, Panderman and Anjasmoro, were evaluated for the performance in Sleman during dry season II (JuneSeptember) 2014. The research was conducted by using a randomized block design with 29 treatments with four replications. The fertilizer was 250 kg/ha of Phonska, 100 kg/ha SP 36 and 1 t/ha of organic fertilizer, all of them were given when planting. A crop management included drainage channel, weed, and pest and disease were carried out optimally. The days to maturity started from 72-80 days (average 75 days), plant height ranged from 41.25-60.50 cm (average 48.92 cm), 100 seed weight was from 8.39-20.33 g/100 seeds (average 15.32 g/100 seeds) and the seed yield from 2.28-3.00 t/ha (average 2.70 t/ha). Among the five check varieties, Anjasmoro produced the highest yield (2.91 t/ha) and the lowest yield was from Grobogan variety (2.62 t/ha). A clustering of 29 genotypes based on the characters of days to maturity, plant height, seed size, and yield was clustered into four clusters. Cluster I that consisted of 19 genotypes was characterized by the relatively short plant. Grobogan and Baluran varieties were to be the members of cluster I. Cluster II consisted of seven genotypes were characterized by high yield (2.68-3.00 t/ha). Panderman and Anjasmoro variety were in the cluster II, had meant that there were five genotypes with similar yield with these varieties. The member of cluster III was only two genotypes which characterized by seed size and plant height were middle, while Dering 1 variety was in the cluster IV which characterized had a small seed size. Genotypes of G 511 H x Anjs-6-6, G 511 H x Anjs-6-10 and G 511 H x Anjs-4-2 were classified as adaptive in the similar agroecosystem as in Sleman.